Monday, July 22, 2013

10 of the unhealthiest jobs in the world

10 of the unhealthiest jobs in the world

10 of the unhealthiest jobs in the world ; boleh teruskan bacaan anda di sini tapi...

salah satunya adalah

Office jobs
If you thought that working nine to five was safe and that the most harm you could suffer in an office was from a paper cut, you’d be wrong. For those who work in an office sitting down for the majority of the day has recently been found to be very dangerous. In fact, a study conducted in 2013 found that of the 60,348 Australian men they surveyed, the more time the man sat down, the more likely they were to have a chronic disease, such as heart disease, diabetes or cancer. If you’re in an office right now, get up and move about.

p/s: Haruskah aku resign????

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