hehehe.. cepatnya masa berlalu. Seminggu dah lepas, aku baru nak wish welcome to new year... bukan tak sedar, cuma tak ada masa. Sibuk dengan macam-macam perkara.
- anak masuk sekolah Tahun satu
- anak masuk tadika
- baby masuk 4 bulan... (u're the cutest)
- Kemas rumah selepas lebih sebulan ulang alik ke sana ke mari.. Sakit badan dibuatnya. weekend jarang ada rumah, dok rumah orang lain, so masuk thn baru, baru ada masa di rumah sendiri
- Kerja...Kerja...kerja yang memang dari tahun lepas tak pernah sudah. Cuma semakin lama semakin bertambah!!!
Anyway, from the bottom of my heart, i actually really hate the job..ooppss... not the job, but the people around. Why do people like them even exist. They agreed for the pay they get (which is more..and more than me, surely) then what they do just making others suffered to do their own job! I hate those kind of guys.. but still they are existed and they the one get all the attention. I t si because they can talk smooth and suck up the boss, doesn't mean they are good employee!!!!! Please anybody marked my words. Then should i also do the same. No way, it is just not my way! Work is priority for the pay i earn.. end. Apa orang lain cakap, apa orang lain buat, I don't really care, because they don't really care about us (cehh... macam lagu MJ sebab sekarang ni tgh dengar lagu tu..)
However and whatever i say doesn't count at all... THE ALIEN IS STILL THERE... Marahnya aku ni. Memang aku marah, kecewa dan segala bentuk penyesalan timbul bila cakap tentang orang-orang macam ni. Tapi nak buat macam mana kan? Marah pun tak guna, Kecewa pun tak guna.. Gembira lagi la tak guna...
So apa perlu aku buat... Alah buat bodoh jer la. Biaq pi depa buat apa pun! Janji aku dengan kerja aku. Complete kerja aku, aku yang happy. Achievement grades individually.
Every day, I wakes up and Thank you Allah for still waking me up. There are happiness, sadness, joy and passion in my heart. And I would like to write about it.
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